Minister of Social Affairs H.E Chea Somethy and Wife Congratulate First Lady Pich Chanmony Hun Manet on Receiving Gold Medal from FAPW

Phnom Penh – H.E. Chea Somethy, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, along with his wife, H.E. Chea Phalkun, have extended their heartfelt congratulations to Her Excellency Dr. Pich Chanmony Hun Manet, the First Lady of Cambodia and Commissioner General of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia. Her Excellency was honored with the prestigious Gold Award from Asia-Pacific WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) and the OB-PS Global Certificate.

H.E. Minister Chea Somethy and his wife, H.E. Chea Phalkun, emphasized that this accolade is a well-deserved recognition of Her Excellency’s dedicated leadership of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia. Her efforts align seamlessly with the mission of WAGGGS, aiming to empower young girls to become exemplary citizens, fostering morality, freedom, equality, dignity, and a profound sense of cultural identity among Cambodian young girls.

It is worth mentioning that the Asia-Pacific WAGGGS bestowed the Gold Award and OB-PS Global Certificate upon Her Excellency Pich Chanmony Hun Manet, the General Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia. This honor was conferred during the 7th General Assembly of the Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS, which took place on a Sunday morning in November 2023 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
