Ministry of Social Affairs Representatives Participate in Program to Visit People Living with HIV in Battambang Province

Battambang Province – On Sunday, November 05, 2023, H.E Sok Buntha, Secretary of State and Representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, took part in a visit to 227 individuals living with HIV in Roka Commune, Sangke District, Battambang Province. This initiative was made possible through donations from the Tzu Chi Charity Foundation-Cambodia, which included essential items such as rice, blankets, cooking oil, and bread. Each recipient received 40 kg of rice, one blanket, two liters of cooking oil, and a loaf of bread.

The event was well-attended by local officials, including the Director of the Department of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation of Battambang Province, the Sangke District Governor, commune chiefs, village chiefs, and approximately 300 residents of Roka Commune in Sangke District, Battambang Province. The ceremony was presided over by H.E Keo Remy, Senior Minister and Chairman of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee.

The President of the Tzu Chi Charity Foundation-Cambodia has expressed a commitment to continue their donations for another year, with four more donations planned for 2024.
