947 Persons with Disabilities in Mondulkiri Province Receive Disability Identification Cards

Mondulkiri Province – On November 6, 2023, the Department of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation in Mondulkiri Province held a significant event, issuing Disability Identification Cards to 947 individuals with disabilities. Her Excellency Vin Sithoun, Deputy Governor, representing H.E. Thong Savun, the Governor of Mondulkiri Province, presided over this important ceremony.

This initiative extended its services to people with disabilities across five districts. Specifically, 158 individuals from Sen Monorom, 212 from Koh Nhek, 195 from Keo Seima, 68 from Oreang, and 313 from Pichreda. These individuals were interviewed through the Disability Identification Program by Social Norm and Basic Rights framework.

During the event, Her Excellency symbolically presented 20 disability cards to recipients from four communes in Sen Monorom City, Mondulkiri Province.
