Minister Chea Somethy Joins Flame Extinguishing Ceremony for National Independence, Led by His Majesty the King

Phnom Penh: On the afternoon of Saturday, November 11, 2023, H.E Chea Somethy, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, led a delegation to join His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni in the Flame Extinguishing Ceremony marking the 70th Anniversary of National Independence Day. This significant event commemorates Cambodia’s liberation from French colonial rule and coincides with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

The Flame Extinguishing Ceremony took place under the royal presence of His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni, the reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The event saw the participation of government officials, armed forces, youth, students, and the general public.

National Independence Day on November 9, is a tribute to the Royal Mission undertaken by His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk for the nation, motherland, and Khmer people. His Majesty, revered as the Father of National Independence, dedicated his body and intellect fervently within the precincts of the Royal Monument to secure genuine independence for Cambodia.
