Minister Chea Somethy Joins Samdech Hun Manet in Government-Private Sector Forum

Phnom Penh: On Monday morning, November 13, 2023, H.E Chea Somethy, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, accompanied Prime Minister Samdech Hun Manet in the Government-Private Sector Forum. The event, held at the Peace Palace, aimed to seek advice and formulate policies to support the private sector in Cambodia.

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Manet presided over the 19th Government-Private Sector Forum in 2023. The forum focused on reviewing past government initiatives and fostering private sector development, enhancing competitiveness, and improving the business environment and investment climate in Cambodia.

During the forum, Prime Minister Hun Manet addressed key points, expressing the government’s commitment to launch and promote the implementation of a reform measures package under the first phase of the Pentagon Strategy. The strategy is aligned with the motto “For job growth, equity, efficiency, and sustainability.”

It is worth noting that the Government-Private Sector Forum, established on December 21, 1999, serves as an open Plenary Session of the Council of Ministers. Decisions made during this forum hold the same effectiveness as decisions from the entire cabinet.
