UNCRC Chairman Commends Cambodia’s Commitment to Child Rights

Phnom Penh – Ann Marie Skelton, Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), expressed her appreciation for the Royal Government of Cambodia’s dedication to implementing the recommendations of the UNCRC. She specifically commended the collaborative efforts of relevant ministries, institutions, and the Cambodia National Council for Children.

Ann Marie Skelton conveyed her sentiments during a meeting held at the Raffles Hotel, Le Royal on the afternoon of November 7, 2023, where she met with His Excellency Chea Somethy, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, who also serves as the President of the National Council for Children.

The primary objective of the meeting was to discuss and assess the progress and challenges associated with implementing the UNCRC’s recommendations on child rights.

Minister Chea Somethy emphasized that the Ministry would continue to exert more effort to implement these recommendations and maintain a strong partnership with UNICEF.

Minister Chea Somethy further revealed that the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation currently leads an inter-ministerial technical working group that is actively preparing a draft law on child protection. This draft legislation will undergo finalization and review by the Legal Council Office of the Council of Ministers before being presented to the National Assembly for approval.

Minister Chea Somethy expressed his gratitude, on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Ministry, for the constructive cooperation and support provided by UNICEF. This support includes technical assistance and financial resources to the Ministry, especially for the development of the Child Protection Law and the Child Protection Procedures Handbook.
