Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Promises Experts for Training Artists with Disabilities in Cambodia

Makassar, Indonesia – On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 11, 2023, H.E. Em Chan Makara, Secretary of State, and the representative of H.E. Chea Somethy, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation, met with H.E. Tri Rismaharini, Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, at the Sheraton Hotel in Makassar, Indonesia.

During this meeting, H.E. Em Chan Makara conveyed regrets on behalf of Minister Chea Somethy, who, due to an urgent matter, could not personally attend the ASEAN High-Level Forum on “Disability-Inclusive Development and Partnership Beyond 2025.”

H.E. Em Chan Makara congratulated the significant success of the ASEAN High-Level Forum and the ASEAN-US Dialogue, hosted by H.E. Tri Rismaharini, Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. He emphasized the positive impact this event had on ASEAN countries, especially during Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023.

The purpose of this bilateral meeting was to bolster cooperation between the Ministries of Social Affairs of Cambodia and Indonesia, with a focus on enhancing the well-being of persons with disabilities.

H.E. Em Chan Makara lauded the leadership of H.E. Minister Tri Rismaharini, recognizing her contributions in providing substantial benefits to persons with disabilities. During the discussions, he highlighted Cambodia’s commitment to ensure the welfare of persons with disabilities, as per the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Law on the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. He underscored that the theme of the ASEAN High-Level Forum and the ASEAN-US Dialogue was aligned with the National and Regional Implementation Agenda of the 2025 Master Plan, with a specific emphasis on improving accessibility.

H.E. Em Chan Makara further pointed out that the Royal Government of Cambodia has consistently implemented social assistance programs to support vulnerable individuals, particularly those with disabilities.

Expressing his enthusiasm after witnessing the remarkable performances of hundreds of artists with disabilities from the Republic of Indonesia during the gala dinner for ASEAN delegates, H.E. Em Chan Makara acknowledged their remarkable talents and skills, some of which even outshine those of non-disabled individuals. In this context, he extended a request to the Republic of Indonesia to provide expert trainers to enhance the artistic skills of persons with disabilities in Cambodia.

H.E. Em Chan Makara also proposed the exchange of study visits between the two nations, offering the opportunity for mutual learning in the field of social work, with a particular focus on the disability sector, aimed at improving the lives of individuals with disabilities in both countries.

On behalf of H.E. Minister Chea Somethy, H.E. Em Chan Makara expressed the hope that H.E. Tri Rismaharini, Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, would visit Cambodia in the future to witness the significant achievements in the disability sector.

Minister Tri Rismaharini welcomed the prospect of strengthened cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia and Cambodia. She shared insights into Indonesia’s extensive efforts to support persons with disabilities, including the establishment of 51 centers and six vocational training centers to provide vital services for persons with disabilities.

Minister Tri Rismaharini highlighted the wide array of activities available at these centers, encompassing economic programs and sustainable business endeavors. These initiatives aim not only to empower individuals with disabilities but also to enhance their overall quality of life.

In conclusion, Minister Tri Rismaharini warmly accepted H.E. Em Chan Makara’s request and promised to provide experts to train artists with disabilities in Cambodia, further reinforcing the collaboration between the two nations.
